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English Grammar

Oxford Practice Grammar Basic

Oxford University Press, 2019

Oxford Practice Grammar Basic book cover

Newly-updated edition of the ever-popular grammar practice book for learners of English, with explanations that are easy to understand. A complete guide for elementary to pre-intermediate students: 109 self-study units with clear grammar explanations, plenty of practice exercises, and regular progress tests. (Co-authored with Norman Coe and Mark Harrison.)

Editorial review (The Asian EFL Journal): "Unlike a reference book, once a point has been explained, a great deal of reinforcement practice is given such as exercises requiring students to choose appropriate words from a list in order to complete a sentence and more complex tasks which involve the construction of both statement and interrogative sentences, each of which provide a brisk and lively pace for both teachers and students."

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International Versions:

 Czech version: Oxford Practice Grammar Basic (Oxford University Press, 2007)

 German version: Oxford Grammar Practice Basic (Oxford University Press, 2007)

 Hungarian version: Oxford Angol Nyelvtan CD-ROM PK (Oxford University Press, 2008) 

 Italian version: Oxford Grammar 360° (Oxford University Press, 2019)

 Portuguese version: Grammar Spectrum for Portuguese Students (Oxford University Press, 2007) - FNAC

 Turkish version: Oxford Grammar for Turks (OUP, 2011) - Modern English

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